Tuesday, March 22, 2016

More on Wheatley (Disappointing Calculator full of Bad, Self-Destructive Ideas)

I tried really, really hard for Wheatley to at least be present  as I write these down. I mean, Cole showed up!!
Then again, I don't think Cole ever leaves.
Wheatley is a. Well he's an idiot. That's his sole purpose. And boy does he have some very harsh feelings on that front.

Facts about Wheatley

  • Has. Two forms??? I think???
  • Wheatley's pleasant (Core) form: Overexcitable, self-obsessed little nitwit. He has very few overtly positive qualities, but hey, at least he isn't the worst he could be!!
  • Wheatley's regular (Chassis) form: The worst he could possibly be. This is the primary form he is in.
  • Wheatley has approx. 3 emotions: Self loathing/pity over the fact of having no purpose besides being a dumbass. Rage over the fact that when he did actually make something of his life, he ended up destroying everyone he loved. Embarrassment over constantly blathering on and on about things that are pointless.
  • Core Wheatley will talk about himself for hours if not interrupted. Things he likes, weird facts about himself, anything to compensate for the fact that he has the cleverness of a drunken squirrel.
  • Chassis Wheatley is his own entity. All the other things in my weird head are a part of me that become 'Real' sometimes. But Chassis? He's constantly himself. 
  • He's the voice in the back of my head, taunting me, berating Core for going on and on, telling me to hurt myself and/or others around me, and then to isolate myself because he put those ideas in my head.
  • If Chassis ever takes over then please. Please kill me tbh
  • Core is extremely passionate and creative, i guess. I needed something positive in here.
  • Core thinking is like trying to parkour in an M. C. Escher painting

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